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Calling All Men: Confronting the Crises of Our Boys and Men

 Calling All Men: Confronting the Crises of Our Boys and Men

Calling All Men: Confronting the Crises of Our Boys and Men

Event Name: Calling All Men: Confronting the Crises of Our Boys and Men

Event Starts: December 4, 2023

Event Cost: FREE to Attend Online

 Calling All Men: Confronting the Crises of Our Boys and Men

We, men, and our boys are quietly facing difficulties, and it's time to take action.

Here are some alarming facts about men and boys:

✔️ Suicide rates for boys aged 10-14 have risen by over 300% since 2007.
✔️ Every day, over 27,500 men get divorced, often losing contact with their children.
✔️ Every day, more than 1,750 men worldwide take their own lives.
✔️ Divorced dads are 800% more likely to commit suicide than divorced moms.
✔️ 3 out of 4 men who commit suicide never seek help.
✔️ More than 200 US men die from drug overdoses daily, with a 600% increase among men and boys.
✔️ Half of the parents of suicidal boys are unaware of their sons' risk.
✔️ Obesity has increased by 300% among boys aged 10-14 since 2007 (and 10 times in 40 years).
✔️ The number of friendless men has increased by 500% since 1990.
✔️ Men aged 18-30 experience a 300% increase in sexlessness since 2008.

Many of these issues are linked to the changing expectations for men.

Society seems to have restricted the idea of a real man.

Efforts have been made to feminize men, introducing terms like "toxic masculinity" and products like men's makeup lines and "metrosexual" trends.

There are also discussions about various genders and the use of unconventional pronouns.

Real men seem to be disappearing, and young boys are suffering the most, as indicated by these alarming statistics:

✔️ 90% of homeless and runaway children had no father at home.
✔️ 95% of men in prison grew up without a father at home.
✔️ 85% of boys with behavioral disorders had no father at home.
✔️ 63% of teens who committed suicide had no father at home.
✔️ One-third of boys either don't have a father or live without them.
✔️ Fatherlessness has increased by 200% for boys since 1968.
✔️ 72% of adolescent murderers had no father at home.

Additionally, boys who live with their dads are:Less likely to be addicted to drugs, video games, and porn.

✔️ Less likely to be depressed and commit suicide.
✔️ Less likely to be obese and die from chronic diseases.
✔️ Less likely to commit crimes and end up in prison.
✔️ Less likely to drop out of school and live in poverty.

It's crucial to recognize the importance of strong men and fathers.

Fathers are invaluable, as the data shows.

How many of our sons and brothers must suffer before we pay attention?

Why are so many men unsure about how to be husbands and fathers?

How much longer must men and boys endure silently?

"Calling All Men: Confronting the Crises of Our Boys and Men" aims to end this suffering by teaching men how to be real men.

Tens of thousands of men are coming together for this online event, including fathers, grandfathers, elders, leaders, and mentors.

You'll learn how to be the strong man, father, and hero your family needs.

There are mentors to guide you, and brothers to stand with you.

Hey guys! We're coming together at CALLING ALL MEN! to talk about:

✔️ Sharing thoughts on the tough stuff dads go through.
✔️ Getting wise and historical insights from respected older folks.
✔️ Getting help, support, and good examples from mentors and coaches.
✔️ Learning proven ways from teachers who get the unique challenges guys face in school.
✔️ Figuring out practical ways to deal with mental health, addiction, and other issues.
✔️ Getting the lowdown on staying fit, eating right, and taking care of ourselves.
✔️ Hearing personal stories about growing through challenges and becoming strong leaders.
✔️ And lots more to spark a new way of thinking about being a man, brotherhood, and masculinity!

Join the movement to create a world where people remember the value of men, fatherhood, masculinity, tradition, honor, and brotherhood.




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Strong Men for Hard Times Companion Guide eBook

Strong Men for Hard Times Companion Guide eBook

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