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Healing Toxic Relationships Super Conference

 Healing Toxic Relationships Super Conference 2023

Healing Toxic Relationships Super Conference

Event Name: Healing Toxic Relationships Super Conference

Event Starts: November 6, 2023

Event Cost: FREE to Attend Online

Healing Toxic Relationships Super Conference

Today, over 50% of marriages end in divorce, and over 25% of people are estranged from family members.

This indicates that relationships are difficult, even the best ones, and it's a well-known fact that the quality of our relationships has a significant influence on the quality of our life as a whole.

Thankfully, a plethora of studies and strategies are becoming available to greatly enhance all kinds of relationships and lead happier, healthier, and more meaningful lives.

For this reason, we cordially invite you to the FREE online 2023 Healing Toxic Relationships Super Conference. 

More than 70 well-known relationship specialists from across the world will gather for this extremely special healing event to discuss topics including
✔️understanding your attachment style,
✔️identifying and repairing destructive relationship patterns,
✔️enhancing self-love, forging deeper connections, 
✔️and much more.

In order to build a radically comprehensive path for healing, experts including highly sought-after physicians, psychologists, researchers, bestselling writers, healers, and thought leaders were consulted.

comprising: Kimberly Weeks, Heather Monroe, Sharon Salzberg, David Kessler, Drs. John Grey, Gay and Katie Hendricks, Harville Hendrix and Helen LaKelly Hunt, and many others.

You're going to learn about:

Trauma, modes of attachment,Boundaries, Safety, Friendship, Grief, Narcissism, Purpose, and Self-Love,harmful patterns,abuse and neglect of the emotions,Infidelity, non-monogamy, narcissistic abuse, defensiveness, emotional immaturity, and a host of other issues

Day-Wise Schedule:

Day 1Identifying Toxic Relationships
Day 2Establishing Trust, Safety and Healthy Boundaries
Day 3Breaking Free from Narcissism and Codependency
Day 4Cultivating Honest and Clear Communication
Day 5Healing Relationship with Self
Day 6Deepening Intimacy
Day 7Healing Trauma In Relationship

Additionally, there will be actual therapy sessions as well as daily yoga, meditation, and breathwork for FREE.




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