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Kick Sugar Summit

 9th Annual Kick Sugar Summit 2023

Kick Sugar Summit

Event Name: Kick Sugar Summit
Event Starts: October 16, 2023
Event Cost: FREE to Attend Online

Learning to break free from sugar's alluring hold and fall in love with natural meals is the key to greater health. This is the most important task since the harm that sugar causes to our bodies and minds cannot be reversed by any superfood, supplement, procedure, or medication.

A food culture malfunction that manifests as an obesity pandemic and chronic diseases is engulfing the whole planet. These conditions don't simply effect adults; they are depriving our kids of healthy, joyful childhoods.  

When more than 70% of the food in our grocery shops is laden with sugar, rancid fats, artificial flavours and colours, and chemical additives, something is badly wrong. Not to mention the reality that food companies purposefully produce and sell food items that cause us to overeat and become ill in order to make money.

Despite medical improvements, chronic lifestyle disorders are becoming more prevalent.

In the US, 35% of kids are either overweight or obese.

At least one chronic diet-related (non-communicable) diseases affects 45% of Americans.

All US people over the age of 18 are overweight or obese.

Chronic disease treatment costs not only pose a financial danger to individuals and families, but also to entire nations.

Did you know that there is a direct connection between Sugar and following health conditions:

Allergies,Appendicitis,Alzheimer's,Psoriasis,Autoimmune illness,osteoarthritis, osteoporosis,Miscarriage, mood disorders,migraines,Acne, AnxietyArthritis, asthma, autism, breast cancer, cancer, cardiovascular disease, cataracts, Constipation, persistent fatigue,dementia,Mood disorders,diabetes,Epilepsy,Erection problems,cavities,IBS Cystitis Crohn's Colitis,Fibromyalgia,headaches, gout attacks, gum disease,insomnia,hypoglycemia,Macular degeneration,Non-alcoholic Fat Liver, Obesity,Parkinson's disease,Raynaud's syndrome Rosacea,Gaining Weight

The Science Behind Sugar Addiction:

Although the phrase "sugar addiction" is frequently used in casual contexts, research indicates that sugar may in fact have addictive properties. Foods high in sugar cause the brain's dopamine neurotransmitter, which is linked to pleasure and reward, to release. Sugar cravings and compulsive sugar eating might result from this pleasant reaction. Regular sugar consumption can also result in "tolerance," a condition where a person needs progressively more sugar to experience the same pleasure, much like heroin addiction.

The Vicious Cycle:

The addiction to sugar starts a terrible circle. The brief mood boost that comes from eating meals high in sugar is followed by a "crash" as blood sugar levels fall quickly. This collapse can lead to anger, exhaustion, and further sugar cravings, continuing the cycle of overindulgence.

Health Consequences:

Addiction to sugar can have negative health effects. Obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and dental concerns are all associated with excessive sugar consumption. Consuming sugary meals on a regular basis might cause unhealthful weight gain since they frequently include a lot of empty calories. Additionally, consuming sugar may increase insulin resistance, a condition that precedes diabetes.

Breaking Free:

A diversified strategy is needed to overcome sugar addiction. The first step is to identify the issue. The next step is for people to gradually cut back on their sugar intake and switch to healthy options like fruit instead of processed sugars. Proper eating can help stabilise blood sugar levels and lessen cravings by containing complex carbs and proteins. Support from friends, family, or medical experts may be quite helpful during the healing process.

The World Health Organisation(WHO) first advised against consuming more added sugar than 6 teaspoons per day for women and 9 teaspoons per day for males in 1989

Through the "2014 Rome Declaration on Nutrition," this suggestion was subsequently accepted by more than 170 WHO member nations.

The average individual nowadays consumes 192 grams of added sugar per day, which is equal to 48 teaspoons (4 grams per teaspoon). 

Are you one of those Struggling to kick your sugar addiction?

Do you want to live healthier, happier life by breaking free from sugar addiction.

then, Join us for, 9th Annual Kick Sugar Summit 2023

Hosted by Florence Christophers

Florence is a qualified health coach who understands trauma and has experience treating sugar addiction and emotional eating. For more than 30 years, Florence has studied, coached, and travelled the road to recovery in the area of sugar and food addiction.

The first summit in the world on sugar, sugar addiction, and sugar addiction rehabilitation is called the Kick Sugar Summit.

Florence Christophers started it in 2015 with the goal of educating people about the realities of sugar addiction and available treatment options, as well as the physical, mental, and emotional advantages of lowering or eliminating their sugar intake.

It is totally free!

More than 50 international experts discuss the evidence behind sugar's connection to the prevalence of chronicdiseases including obesity, diabetes, dementia, high blood pressure, cancer, and more.

Our experts include: Doctors, scientists, psychiatrists, nutritionists, coaches, authors, and more are among our specialists.

Kick Sugar Summit also offers helpful advice on how to cut back on our consumption to both prevent and reverse the disease.

You can get the knowledge, motivation, ideas, and insights you need to effectively break free from sugar's hold and regain your health. 

The advantages include increased energy, improved sleep, the removal of cravings and inflammation, the reversal of diabetes, the removal of belly bloat, weight loss, and many other things.




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