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Healing Genesis DocuSeries

 Healing Genesis Docuseries

Healing Genesis DocuSeries

Event Name: Healing Genesis DocuSeries

Event Starts: August 5, 2024

Event Cost: FREE to Attend Online

Be prepared to venture on a journey into exploring the healing genesis—the primal matter of all that is healing.

In this incredible series, well over 30 novel therapies will be taught to you with the secrets of how to fight diseases deemed incurable before.

We are talking things like diabetes, thyroid problems, lupus arthritis autoimmune disorders dementia Alzheimer's heart disease and cancer leaders to the next one here.

Before we get into the treasure trove of available modalities, it helps to understand: why have both us and a large portion of the rest of world been ledselieve certain diseases are incurable?

At some stage, the perfect health ideal tipped into an unattainable goal. Millions of individuals across the globe have been lead to believe that getting older-like it or not- is synonymous with declining health.

Big Pharma intentionally promoted these misconceptions as a means to profit the most; this was not mere happenstance.

The big pharma corporations lied to us and told that what these illnesses were so bad there was no real ways of healing them.

Their narrative made us rely on their patent drugs and this was an infinite cycle.

Still, it is an indisputable fact that our bodies are naturally capable of self-healing. They can overcome nearly anything if given the proper assistance. Fundamentally, healing is a simple process that has roots in traditional knowledge and treatments from long ago.

The answers have been known for millennia, and successive generations have tried and tested them. Without the use of dangerous medications, you may reach optimal health and vitality and reach a degree of well-being you may have previously believed unachievable.

With the correct information at hand, you may achieve true, long-lasting recovery

Not only will this information be available to you, but the upcoming docu-series "Healing Genesis" will also explore the traditional, organic practises that have been fostering healing for ages.

Hosted by jonathan Otto, filmmaker, health advocate, and investigative medical journalist with several awards.

More than 40 of the best physicians and holistic health specialists in the world will speak with you, revealing the unvarnished facts about extremely successful ways to reverse diseases using natural medicine protocols.

You'll be able to:

  • Discover time-tested, age-old therapeutic remedies.
  • Examine the alternatives that the big pharmaceutical companies would like you to be unaware of and their impact.
  • Learn that you are not the only one going through this. Numerous people have tread this route and come out stronger.
  • Discover how to take control of your health and make decisions that advance wellbeing.
  • And more, much more!

Envision a life full of vigour and limitless energy, devoid of suffering and illness. Your new reality could materialise soon thanks to "Healing Genesis."

One of the amazing people you'll meet on your journey is Ian Clark, a 65-year-old whose health has improved to the level of his 25-year-old self because of the practises outlined in "Healing Genesis."

This is your chance to take Ian's lead and get back the health and energy you loved in your younger years. "Healing Genesis" claims to be your roadmap during this life-changing journey.




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