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Reversing Chronic Gut Conditions Summit

 Reversing Chronic Gut Conditions Summit

Reversing Chronic Gut Conditions Summit

Event Name: Reversing Chronic Gut Conditions Summit
Event Starts: Now
Event Cost: FREE to Attend Online

Ever have a burning sensation in your chest after eating?

That stomach ache you have all the time that only goes away when you use the loo...

When you regurgitate, you get that sour sensation in your mouth.

You are losing valuable sleep as a result of your everyday fight with these symptoms.

Storing antacids in your purse has become a habit for you.

You want to get out of the medicine circle that has you trapped.

Perhaps nothing at all contributes to a worse quality of life than digestive problems.

Regular problems that people may have include acid reflux, bloating, nausea, gas, constipation, diarrhoea, and food and chemical sensitivities.

At their worst, individuals may have to deal with chronic pain, food restrictions, crippling anxiety, and living arrangements that need them to be near a toilet at all times.

Those who have tried a variety of diets, a variety of supplements, and a variety of treatments are so dejected that they give up hope.

Gut problems leave you feeling incredibly upset as you struggle with a low quality of life and have an impact on your emotional, mental, and spiritual health.

The precise reverse is also true.

A healthy stomach is the source of all of your energy, clarity, creativity, and joy in life.

There is thus hope for you if you are weary of feeling ill, having a cloudy mind, monitoring what you eat, or experiencing a rotting feeling in your stomach.

Sinclair Kennally's life used to be awful because of digestive problems, but she changed it and now has a great existence without any digestive problems.

She is an expert at identifying the underlying reasons of everyone's digestive issues because she is a qualified toxicity and detox specialist.

Her expertise is so specialised that she even instructs the top medical professionals on how to identify the underlying causes of sickness (instead of merely digestive problems).

She has assisted over 10,000 people, ranging from prominent pro athletes to NASA scientists, in recovering from even the most severe chronic ailments.

And Sinclair, along with more than 40 other gut health specialists, is now sharing her knowledge online as the host of the Reversing Chronic Gut Conditions Summit.

Finding the source of your gut problems is the main goal, and topics covered include hormones, mould, parasites, pesticides, infections, toxins, heavy metals, and more.

This summit is for you, If you’re struggling with…

  • Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO)
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
  • Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)
  • Celiac Disease
  • Leaky Gut Syndrome
  • Chronic Constipation
  • Chronic Diarrhea
  • Food Intolerances and Sensitivities  

You'll discover:

  • How to go beyond the symptoms to find the underlying reason
  • Innovative medical approaches that improve intestinal health
  • How to utilise dietary decisions and supplements to make food an ally
  • Lifestyle changes and routines for managing stress, sleep, and posture
  • How to understand and strengthen the complex relationship between the stomach and brain
  • Why your earlier attempts to treat your gut troubles didn't work 
  • How to make your gut defensive to prevent future health problems
  • Innovative gut-healing techniques that are unique to our situation
  • And a whole lot more...




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