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Autoimmune Answers:10 Episode Docuseries

 Autoimmune Answers:10 Episode Docuseries

Autoimmune Answers:10 Episode Docuseries

Event Name: Autoimmune Answers:10 Episode Docuseries
Event Starts: Now
Event Cost: FREE to Attend Online

The impact of autoimmune disease on millions of lives

resulting in illnesses like Parkinson's and Alzheimer's

having an impact on the thyroid, heart, adrenal glands, kidneys, liver, and other organs

Similar was the case of Nataliya which you will know about in Atoimmune Answers, a 10 episode docuseries

It tells the tale of Nataliya, an American lady who had an autoimmune disease and was in excruciating agony all the time.

Her condition was so severe that her physicians told her that they would amputate her legs in two weeks.

However, she discovered a natural regimen that saved both her life and her legs!

She claims that at one point, when she witnessed parasites leaving her body, she felt immediate relief and returned to normalcy.

Unfortunately, Nataliya's tale is one that is all too common.

Why do western medical professionals struggle to treat autoimmune disease?

Why do regular tests consistently come up negative even if patients are obviously ill?

Why won't western medical professionals go at the root causes of any illness?

Why are medications with plenty of adverse effects recommended just to cover up the symptoms?

Why do they disregard dietary elements that, as we all know, have an impact on autoimmune disease?

Nataliya's entire tale may be heard in the 10 episode docuseries, Autoimmune Answers.

As well as testimonies from other individuals in a similar situation who healed to the surprise of their physicians by adhering to the proper diets and using the proper supplements.

It’s for people who suffer from: ✔️Autoimmune symptoms ✔️Fatigue ✔️Inflammation ✔️Allergies ✔️Immune system dysfunctions

Western drugs only provide a temporary solution (with long-term adverse effects).

Nevertheless, by eliminating those drugs and other accumulated toxins from your body, you may treat any autoimmune problem naturally.

Your immune system will work much better after the toxic load is reduced, and dietary adjustments together with the proper nutrients will complete the process.

You should quit consuming items that irritate your intestines, since this will close a pathway for toxins to enter your body, according to Autoimmune Answers.

Once that is resolved, you must administer certain nutrients to aid in the body's restoration and recuperation as well as completely purge it of any pollutants.

This incredible documentary series is your one-on-one roadmap to overcoming autoimmunity.

Additionally, you will learn:

  • What more to do to treat autoimmune illness and why food alone won't work
  • Herbicide, pesticide, and autoimmune disease connections
  • According to studies, newborn newborns have up to 287 substances.
  • Why Type 3 Diabetes is now used to classify Alzheimer's illness
  • The evidence that Alzheimer's medications actually hasten the disease's progression
  • How plastics, swimming pools, and chemicals affect the thyroid
  • Why C-section infants are more likely to have gastrointestinal problems later in life
  • The startling connection between depression and inflammatory reactions
  • How much oestrogen is present in the milk produced by pregnant cows
  • terrible childhoods can result in 360% greater heart disease, according to studies




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