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The Superfood Garden Summit

 The Superfood Garden Summit

The Superfood Garden Summit

Searching for a solution to the escalating cost of food?

Or perhaps you wish to improve your health!

You CAN take charge of your happiness, health, and quality of life... 

Start with nutrient-dense, homegrown food!

The real way to reduce your shopping bill while simultaneously improving your health is right outside your door... It's planting season! 

Our budgets are being strained by the continually rising price of consumables. 

The Bureau of Labour Statistics reports that the price of food increased 6.7% only last year. Don't worry though; gardening will save the day. 

We can cultivate our own fresh vegetables and become less reliant on store-bought food via gardening. What's best? When compared to the rapidly rising prices of fruits and vegetables, the cost of seeds, soil, and equipment is quite low. 

You are doing more than just raising your own food when you start a garden. Hope is being sown by you. 

  • a healthier body with more energy and fewer discomfort. 
  • Hope you can provide for your family and use the grocery shop less.
  • I hope you're repairing the earth for your offspring and future generations.

Join us for this interactive event called "The Superfood Garden Summit".

so that fresh food consumers like you may benefit MORE from a healthy lifestyle. 

 16+ forward-thinking gardeners will impart their knowledge to you so that your garden and health may soar! 

Hear from experts like:

Stacey Murphy,Ocean Robbins,Brian Vaszily,Marjory Wildcraft ,Sajah Popham ,Matt Powers ,Amy Landers ,Jason Matyas,Kami McBride , Rob Herring, Greg Peterson ,Michael Kilpatrick  etc

Growing food becomes simple when you have specialists in your corner to assist you make wise garden decisions.

You'll learn the following, to name just a few, in this online event:

🌱You can easily grow your own nutrient-rich superfoods anywhere, all year long!  

☮️See how your garden may help you achieve inner tranquilly and wellbeing.

📝 Discover sustainable practises and activities you can start performing NOW, and use them to grow food in small spaces. 

💩 Learn the permaculture principles to improve your gardening experience.  

💦 Discover a garden watering strategy that will change the game.  

🍽️Cooking joys may be had by using fresh herbs from your garden.  

🐝 Learn how to promote and feed local pollinators in your garden.  

🧑🌾Find out how to cultivate superfoods such as ginger and turmeric.

You'll learn how to increase the nutritional value of your own-grown superfoods step-by-step!

Imagine eating something that is SO FRESH that you can TASTE the life in every bite.

And when the weather changes, your superfood garden need not perish! In order to ALWAYS have fresh, organic superfoods, the experts at this summit will show you how to extend the growing season.

The Summit experts will lead you through their greatest tips for growing at every level, regardless of whether you've never planted a seed, believe you have a bad gardening habit, or have been growing for years. You'll be able to have supercharged health at your fingertips after you know precisely what to do next.




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