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Food Revolution Summit Docuseries 2023

 Food Revolution Summit Docuseries 2023

Food Revolution Summit Docuseries 2023

Consider how satisfying it would be to consume meals that promote calm, joy, vigour, and vitality throughout the day while assuring sound sleep at night.

The majority of people consume food that contributes to the most deadly diseases of our day, such as cancer, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease.

The good news is that eating the RIGHT foods will help you feel much better in addition to fighting these diseases.

The most critical updates on food, health, sustainability, and living longer by eating better will be revealed in the Food Revolution Summit Docuseries, which include an all-star roster of 45 internationally known specialists.

Some of the brightest minds in the food industry, including leading medical professionals, New York Times bestselling authors, researchers, journalists, and health experts, are included in the series. 

They Include:

  • Mimi Guarneri, MD, the holistic heart surgeon who decoded heart disease
  • Dean Ornish, MD, the "father of lifestyle medicine" and multiple-time New York Times best-selling book 
  • Joel Fuhrman, MD, creator of the Nutritarian Diet and Eat To Live best-selling author
  • T. Colin Campbell, MD, is the best-selling author of The China Study, the largest-scale nutritional research project ever. 
  • renowned medical professionals including paediatrician David Bowman, MD, dermatologist Apple Bodemer, MD, neuro-ophthalmologist Rani Banik, MD; doctors of obstetrics and gynaecology Michelle Tolefson, Kristi Funk, cardiologist Columbus Batiste, and neurologists Dean and Ayesha Sherzai, nutritional psychiatrist Uma Naidoo, and several more of the world's best food and nutrition experts

This Summit is For You, If you'd want to:

  • Consume the food that the world's healthiest individuals consume.
  • Prevent and, in some circumstances, reverse problems including type 2 diabetes, cancer, autoimmune diseases, obesity, hypertension, heart disease, and more.
  • Improve your immune system to better defend oneself against both minor infections and more serious diseases.
  • Make wise eating decisions based on the most reliable, up-to-date science (and watch out for advice that is no longer valid!)
  • Eat the best meals for greater energy and better sleep while avoiding harmful food trends.



Download Free E-Gifts Below

Guide to Going Plant-Based eBook

Brain Health Guidebook eBook

Cancer Guidebook eBook

Heart Health Guidebook eBook

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