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BioIndividual Nutrition Forum: Autism, ADHD, and Pediatric Special Needs

 BioIndividual Nutrition Forum: Autism, ADHD, and Pediatric Special Needs

BioIndividual Nutrition Forum: Autism, ADHD, and Pediatric Special Needs

Parents are not informed that diet and nutrition have a significant influence on their children's health, learning, behaviour, and overall potential despite evidence and outcomes to the contrary.

1 in 36 children are being diagnosed with autism and 1 in 6 have ADHD.

The event host Julie Matthews has been providing scientifically based nutrition strategies that heal the symptoms and behaviors associated with autism, ADHD, and other developmental delays. This vast knowledge comes from her experience as a clinician and published researcher. Children around the world are making breakthrough strides in health, learning, and behavior when following these personalized nutrition approaches.

For Parents: 

Some benefits seen using a personalized nutrition approach include:

  • Improved speech
  • Better sleep
  • Improvements in bowel habits/constipation
  • Reduction in picky eating
  • Better cognitio
  • Plus More...

For Practioners: 

This event is unique because it includes detailed, scientifically-referenced presentations on the topics that matter most for your clinical success with clients and patients.

This Event Is For You If…

  • You want to employ individualised nutrition to help children with autism and special needs, and you're a parent or health professional.
  • You should remain current on the most recent ideas in scientifically sound child feeding.
  • You want quick-to-implement successful tactics!

Here is the daily speaker schedule:

Day 1 - Friday, April 14th

Julie Matthews, NC - Why Food Matters for Children with ADHD, Autism, Anxiety, Down Syndrome, and Pediatric Special Needs
Mary Wilde, MD - An Integrative Approach to Anxiety & ADHD
Lindsay Beckerman, OTR/L - Using a Whole Child Approach Feeding Challenges
Kurt Woeller, DO - Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and Mitochondrial Dysfunction
Elisa Song, MD - Optimize Your Child’s Gut-Brain Connection

Day 2 - Saturday, April 15th

Julie Matthews, NC - Beyond Gluten-Free: Your next steps to refine a personalized BioIndividual Nutrition approach
Silvija Abele, PhD - SCD/GAPS diet for children with Autism and ADHD
Steven Wright - Gut-Brain-Immune Axis: Leaky Gut Revisited
Brendan Vermeire - The Role of Neuroinflammation and Oxidative Stress in Pediatric Populations
Evan Brand, CFMP - Mycotoxins as a Trigger of Autism-Like Issues and How to Fix It at Home

Day 3 - Sunday, April 16th

Julie Matthews, NC - For Practitioners: The Science and Clinical Application of BioIndividual Nutrition for Autism and Pediatric Special Needs
Erica Peirson, ND - Biochemical Individuality and Personalized Nutrition for Down Syndrome
Jay Davidson, DC - Lyme Disease, Co-infections and Pleomorphism
Janice Carlin, PhD - Personalized, Holistic Approach to Autism Spectrum Disorder and ADHD

April is Autism Awareness Month! Whether you’re a practitioner or a parent of a child with autism, ADHD, anxiety or other special needs, come and discover why and how food and nutrients affect children’s health, learning, and behavior and how to use personalized nutrition. to help!




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