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Secrets to Slowing and Reversing the Aging of Your Brain and Body

Secrets to Slowing and Reversing the Aging of Your Brain and Body


Ronnie Newman, an award-winning Harvard researcher, and Debra Poneman, a renowned lifestyle specialist, will teach you about both traditional and contemporary methods.

Aging is a natural process that happens to all of us, but it's not inevitable.

The good news is that there are things that you can do to slow down and reverse the aging process in your brain and body.

As big pharma spends billions to find the solution for brain fog, memory loss, age-related depression, and physical deterioration, there are already proven life-style changes that can stop mental and physical decline naturally

Here is What You Will Learn:

  • You won't believe the age at which your brain starts to shrink, but there are ways to stop and even reverse brain ageing.
  • What kind of exercise have the biggest anti-aging impact, and which ones really has the opposite effect?
  • What foods make the brain swell, causing headaches, cognitive fog, and a lethargic feeling.
  • Your youthful skin's little-known ageing factor (no, it's not the sun, even though you are exposed to it every day... ( that starting in your 20s is preferable)
  • What is even more crucial for supporting mental clarity (and ending the "What did I come into this room for?" situations!) than food and exercise

Debra and Ronnie are also going to share a powerful breathing technique that can center you, release stress, and clear your brain in under a minute...and you can do it anywhere, anytime--even during a business meeting (or any tense interaction)--or when your kids are driving you crazy!!

Here are a few comments from participants on their last webinar:

"I have circulation/blood vessel issues and have been in pain for the last 3 days… literally with ONE of those breaths you taught, my pain lifted! THANK YOU!!" 

"I knew that white sugar and aspartame were ‘poison' but I had NO idea what the other sweeteners do to our bodies! Mind-blowing!”
~Charlene, VA


Ten Tips for Deep, Rejuvenating, Age-Reversing Sleep

Ancient and Modern Secrets for Lifelong Radiance

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