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Enlightenment Fest

Enlightenment Fest


Enlightenment Fest

Your eyes will open in ways you never imagined imaginable during the course of the six days of the Enlightenment Fest, and the world around you will start to change.

We have set up the event in this way so that everybody in the world can attend, regardless of their time zone (and without having to get out of bed in the middle of the night!).

Everything is available at no cost...

As you listen to the free audio sessions of the Enlightenment Fest and begin to be in alignment with the Universe and all of Existence, you will experience how:
  • Your life loses its resistance, frustration, and confusion layer by layer.
  • Your feelings of discontent go away along with your limits.
  • Whatever was stopping you, disappears.

The same is true of limiting belief you may have about your life. When you are in sync, it comes naturally and gives you a fantastic sense of freedom.

With your eyes closed, start by listening to the Enlightenment Fest recordings and taking your mentor's advice.

You will change how you view life when you listen to the Enlightenment Fest sessions.

Its time to simply decide:

  • Do you want to feel constrained or unconstrained?
  • Do you prefer harmony or "every man for himself"?
  • Do you prefer to be tense or at ease?
  • Do you want to be open and alert or always suspicious?
  • Do you prefer feeling constrained or expanded?

Here's How You'll Gain Access:

You will be participating Online for the Enlightenment Fest Virtual Event.

An Online Audio Player will be available
You will have access to ALL of the sessions by online audio for FREE. 

Enlightenment Fest will be from Monday, December 5 - Saturday, December 10, 2022

ALL of the sessions will be available each day

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