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21 Day Walk with Your Higher Power

21 Day Walk with Your Higher Power


21 Day Walk with Your Higher Power

Imagine if you:

Had a dependable friend, advisor, or mentor by your side, supporting you even in your most trying times.

Never actually felt lonely... because you were constantly surrounded by a caring presence that knows you and what you're going through.

Had a guru to whom to turn for guidance... who's direction aids you in through difficult circumstances.

owned a concierge... to take you by the hand and lead you past the velvet ropes into the parts of life that are only accessible to VIPs.

felt inner tranquilly... That made it easier for you to be composed and rational in the face of upheaval.

not be forced to rely on unreliable people... have a dependable emotional support system, nevertheless.

When our relationships, jobs, or income are in jeopardy, we feel uneasy, anxious, and afraid within. We may find it difficult 

to cope on our own with the disconnected, overwhelmed, and frustrated sentiments. We are unsure of who to ask for guidance or assistance.

In actuality, practically everyone is battling their own struggles.

Inside every one of us lies a smarter, stronger, and more capable version of ourselves that’s just waiting for us to access it.

This is known as your Higher Power.

The quickest and most direct path to interacting and cooperating with your Higher Power is to take the 21-Day Walk with Your Higher Power course. This three-week course provides you with the direction and useful methods to gradually build a relationship with your Higher Power.

You'll discover how to physically ground your Higher Power experience. After building a foundational relationship, you'll 

discover that you can easily and frequently communicate with your Higher Power both mentally and emotionally.

Why focus on your Higher Power?

Because when you connect with something which is greater than yourself, you access a source of guidance and inspiration 

that lifts your consciousness to the top of the mountain.

Robert Keegan, former head of adult development at Harvard University, called it “making the subject-object shift.” That’s 

when you see your life from the mountaintop rather than the plain. Keegan regards this shift as the single greatest accelerator of human development that exists.

Research shows that a 21 Day Walk With Your Higher Power results in an average boost in long-term happiness of 17%. 

People’s sense of connection with a reality larger than themselves goes up by 22%.

[its a shorts video,registration link will be in pinned comment/desciption]


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