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Spirit Plant Medicine Conference 2022

 Spirit Plant Medicine Conference 2022

Spirit Plant Medicine Conference 2022

Spirit Plant Medicine Conference 2022-

The Role of Psychedelics for a Planet in Transition

In just a few short years, life on Earth has changed more quickly than any of us could have ever dreamed. There has never been a more pressing need for fresh (and timeless) perspectives on wisdom and compassion. 

The psychedelic, sacramental healing, awakening plants, and associated substances are undoubtedly the most potent allies and tools available to struggling humanity in these turbulent times when understood, used in the best possible circumstances, and successfully incorporated into the daily walk.

But the story itself is not about these potent chemicals. When they perform at their peak, they serve this broad vision and the pressing need for a "turning of the wheel." 

The Spirit Plant Medicine Conference is devoted to offering a forum for the exchange of knowledge and wisdom toward this vision and prayer for humanity, for all earthlings, and for the Earth itself.

One of the defining and all but unique features of the beloved Spirit Plant Medicine Conference is its diversity and its range of perspectives on psychedelics and consciousness transformation.

Influential ceremonialists, therapists, philosophers, visionary mystics, advocates, activists, and academics are among our speakers. 

It includes the following: Belinda Eriacho, (Dine’ (Navajo) and A:shiwi (Zuni)); Hereditary Haida Chief Guujaaw; Ariana Fotinakis (Anishnaabe/Greek); Canadian indigenous elder Phil Lane Jr; Francine Douglas (Sto:lo/Tsimshian); Wixárika elders Miguel Carillo and don Rafael Pizano from Mexico; and African American force of nature Hanifa Nayo Washington, deep psychonautic visionary Chris Bache; Dr. April Liu; beloved psychedelic elder Dennis McKenna; scientific mystic and wizard Dr. Bruce Damer; internationally known author and speaker Jamie Wheal; legendary anthropologist and author of books like the iconic DNA and the Cosmic Serpent Jeremy Narby; leading San Pedro cactus spokespeople Laurel Ann Sugden and her Peruvian husband Josip Orlevac; Selma Holden MD from northeastern U.S; and highly-regarded (sorry, no pun intended) cannabis educators Josh Sarvis and Kelly Dunn of Dragonfly Earth Medicine.

All of them have a focus on providing "actionable" knowledge and inspiration for both individual and group healing for a world in transition.

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