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Awakening from Alzheimer's: Brain Health Breakthroughs

Awakening from Alzheimer's: Brain Health Breakthroughs


Awakening from Alzheimer's: Brain Health Breakthroughs

Event Name: Brain Health Breakthroughs

Event Starts: October 31, 2023

Event Cost: FREE to Attend Online

Brain Health Breakthroughs

If you wish to safeguard your mind before problems emerge, if you are worried about Alzheimer's or other kinds of dementia, if you are caring for a loved one who has the illness...

 You just can't keep waiting for the next failed "wonder medication" to make headlines in order to fulfil its empty promise. You can take steps today to ensure a healthy, independent future, and you ought do.

Discover How to Reduce Your Risk, Restore Your Brain Health, and Reverse the Effects of Alzheimer's & Dementia in 2023!

Join your host Peggy Sarlin on October 31 as she launches the premiere of Awakening from Alzheimer's: Brain Health Breakthroughs by registering right now. 

With the help of this ground-breaking video series, learn how to lower your risk, restore brain health, and reverse the effects of dementia and Alzheimer's.

Gain insightful knowledge from the world's foremost authorities in the field as they divulge the mysteries behind the aetiology of brain disorders and offer doable strategies to protect you and your loved ones from dementia and Alzheimer's.

This documentary series, which includes interviews with leading authorities in the field including Drs. Dale Bredesen, David Perlmutter, Heather Sandison, and David Haase, will provide you the tools to maximise your brain's health both now and down the road so you may have a long and satisfying life.

These talented medical professionals will shed new light on: 

✔️ Why do you forget things? 
✔️ Ways to avoid it from occurring initially
✔️ How to lower your chance of developing a brain illness
✔️ The most recent scientifically supported, evidence-based treatments and procedures that you can apply yourself
✔️ How to apply that knowledge to improve the health of your brain
✔️ And a whole lot more! 

You possess the ability to alter the state of your brain for the better, regardless of your age or health. 

You can learn all about the most recent developments in the prevention, recovery, and even reversal of cognitive decline as they share stories and strategies behind what's actually working NOW. 

A complimentary download of our most recent eGuide, Breakthroughs in Alzheimer's: Your Empowering Guide to Prevention and Reversal, will be sent to you when you register for this live event.

This uplifting, inspirational manual will teach you about:

✔️ How a HUG Can Restore Life to Patients with Advanced Dementia
✔️ The Key To Reversing Brain Ageing Is In This Deep-Sea Animal
✔️ How Using a Common Water Pill Can Prevent Alzheimer's Disease
✔️ The Herb That May Hold the Key to Stopping Alzheimer's
✔️ Plus: Find Out Which Lifestyle Modifications Reverse Mild Cognitive Impairment!

You should watch this new series if you:

✔️ You're starting to notice a slight irregularity in your memory and are becoming concerned.
✔️ Providing care for a person suffering from dementia (while putting yourself at danger due to the stress).
✔️ You're doing OK right now, but as you age, you wonder what you can do to keep these illnesses at bay.
✔️ Are A young adult, as Alzheimer's first appears in the brains of those who are in their 20s or 30s.
✔️ Want to train your brain to function at its peak every single day?




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