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Anxiety Super Conference

Anxiety Super Conference


Anxiety Super Conference

Do you ever worry too much about the future?

Or if you ever feel worn out or experience racing thoughts, sleeplessness, or vertigo but are unsure of the cause?

If so, you almost certainly have anxiety, whether you realise it or not.

In truth, most of us experience anxiety at some point in our lives, and the recent years have seen tremendous global change.

A racing heart, sweating, trembling, poor digestion, dizziness, and weariness are just a few examples of the physical symptoms brought on by anxiety.

Despite the fact that everyone experiences anxiety differently, this event aims to provide an interdisciplinary approach to healing with something for EVERYONE. Anxiety can have a significant negative impact on our general well-being and happiness in life, but the GOOD NEWS is that it is very treatable.

They cover a wide range of subjects, such as the connection between diet and anxiety, trauma, good sleep habits, OCD, neuroplasticity, exercise, hormones, and gut health (among a plethora of other topics), and they also impart tried-and-true methods for recognising and managing anxiety in a way that makes you feel safe and secure.

Among many other topics, they’ll cover anxiety as it relates to

Here are just some of the topics the other panelists will dive into...
  • The purpose of anxiety
  • Brain function and anxiety
  • ADHD
  • Chronic Illness
  • Anxiety after illness or injury
  • OCD
  • Hormones
  • Nutrition and supplements
  • Sleep hygiene and rest
  • Insomnia
  • How to get help
  • How to identify and reframe triggers
  • And much more..

Save your FREE seat at the 2022 Anxiety Super Conference!



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