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2022 Blood Sugar Revolution Summit

2022 Blood Sugar Revolution Summit

 2022 Blood Sugar Revolution Summit

Did you know that there’s a silent health condition that affects 90% of the population – and most people have no idea they’re living with it?

What’s amazing is that when you reverse this silent condition, you’ll not only lower your risk of many chronic diseases, you can actually reverse conditions like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, obesity, chronic kidney disease, and fatty liver disease. 

Do you daydream about losing weight and feeling good in your body?

Do you long for the days when you had boundless energy and felt great all day long?

Have you ever been told that because you have high blood sugar, you can’t eat carbs?

High blood sugar doesn’t happen because you ate a potato.

These myths are designed to prevent you from regaining control of your health, controlling your blood sugar, and preventing chronic diseases in the future. 

The event focuses on reversing the silent condition that causes high blood sugar, low energy, weight gain, and poor digestion – called insulin resistance

You’ll discover powerful insights including:

  • The #1 silent killer that skyrockets your risk for diabetes! 90% of Americans have it…yet most folks have no clue about it.
  • Simple strategies to lower your blood sugar – plus more insulin resistance reversal secrets you won’t hear about from your doctor!
  • How quickly does a plant strong diet improve your blood pressure, cholesterol, blood glucose, A1c, and body weight?
  • Breakthrough ways to prevent and reverse type 2 diabetes
  • Groundbreaking research on how to control your blood sugar using your food as a substitute for pharmaceutical medication 
  • How brain health, the mind-body connection, anxiety, and compulsive behavior are linked to your overall health and blood sugar
  • Sustainable weight loss for people with type 1 diabetes, type 1.5 diabetes, prediabetes, and type 2 diabetes
  • The connection between high blood sugar, diabetes, and cancer
  • How to create sustainable habits that will last the rest of your life



[click image to download]

EBOOK1- 3 Tips To Lower Your Blood Sugar, A1c, And Eliminate Insulin Resistance

3 Tips To Lower Your Blood Sugar, A1c, And Eliminate Insulin Resistance

EBOOK2 - 3 Tips To Boost Your Energy And Feel 10 Years Younger Using Your Food As Medicine

3 Tips To Boost Your Energy And Feel 10 Years Younger Using Your Food As Medicine

EBOOK3 - 4 Tips To Finally Lose Weight And Stop Yo-Yo Dieting For Good

4 Tips To Finally Lose Weight And Stop Yo-Yo Dieting For Good

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