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Super Healthy Lungs Summit


Super Healthy Lungs Summit

Super Healthy Lungs Summit

The pandemic has shown how vulnerable our lungs and our bodies are to infectious diseases.
Protecting our lungs from infections, pollution, toxins and allergens is becoming a priority for many.
We can live without food for weeks and without water for days, but only minutes without oxygen.
Every cell in your body needs oxygen in order to live.

Learn how to avoid troubling infections, and what you can do to keep your lungs healthy and boost your overall health!

The Super Healthy Lungs Summit experts could help you:

  • Implement healthy breathing tips & practices for healthy lungs
  • Identify & eliminate common triggers & pollutants that compromise lung health
  • Manage the role of stress & inflammation in lung conditions, including asthma & COPD
  • Boost immune health to prevent & eliminate lung & sinus infections
  • Understand homeopathic, Ayurvedic & TCM practices for chronic viral infections
  • Learn about protocols for lung cancer prevention & reversing autoimmunity
  • And so much more!

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